First of all, for those who know me, you just know I was always gonna include Jason Momoa in my business write-ups somewhere… this should not be a surprise to you.
If you are one of those people who insist on using the same password for everything, then, first of all. No no no no no no no. Do not fear though, if you are a creature of habit, then I have a couple of tips for you.
One is to get the free version of LastPass – amazing! You only ever have to remember one password and LastPass remembers the rest for you.
Or if you still insist on your old Old OLD ways. Try this.

You have your usual password, lets say it’s JasonMomoaIsHot
Then take the initials of the website you are registering on – eg. so we would use the T and O
Then choose a subsection of your mobile number – lets say your mobile number is 06451779392. Choose a three or four section subset that you will ALWAYS use. Let’s go for 517 here from 06451779392.
Then I put my password together like this TOJasonMomoaIsHot517
If I was on my password would be AJasonMomoaIsHot517
If I was on my password would be YTJasonMomoaIsHot517
It’s pretty easy to always know (or at least figure out) your passwords. As you just have to remember your phrase and which numbers you use from your mobile number.
Just as an FYI, if you are unaware of Jason Momoa or simply do not agree that JasonMomoaIsHot then, loooooook !

Though, just to be clear – NONE of my passwords include the phrase JasonMomoaIsHot… but most of my dreams do.