A Certified Online Business Manager (OBM) is likened often to a bus driver.
The client has the vision, mission and goal in mind but does not know how
to get to the destination. The OBM, (the bus driver) does!
Perhaps you're not ready for an ongoing OBM just yet but you do need the
roadmap that will get your business where it deserves to be. Well - here is
your chance. For a limited time only!
"Even if you are on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there!"
~Will Rogers~
Yep - you have to take your eyes off the shiny objects for a moment, and stop chasing squirrels long enough to book a 15 minute chat with me.
During this short chat, I will learn about your business, and the area(s) you need mapping out. We can discuss your operations, systems and goals in this VIP experience.
On this short, no obligation, free call we can decide if The Roadmap is what you need, if we both agree, then we book The Roadmap Session
When you have booked The Roadmap session, you will receive a detailed questionnaire. Yes, that means more time away from chasing squirrels!
These questions will help me understand your vision, mission and goals and are crucial to helping me develop a custom fit experience, tailored to your unique vision and The Roadmap.
We spend 90 minutes doing a deep dive into your business and the roadblocks which are holding you back.
I spend the next 10 days working on The Roadmap for your business. At the end of those 10 days I provide you with a 90 day plan (roadmap) based on your vision, mission and goals and the steps and actions needed to achieve them.
You then have 4 choices:
1. Ask your team to implement The Roadmap actions for you.
2. Implement the actions yourself.
3. Do nothing with The Roadmap and go back to chasing shiny objects and/or squirrels.
4. Check my availability to implement the actions for you on a three month retainer.
Oh that sounds cheesy! Though there really is more...
The full price of this package is
Calls £142.50 + Roadmap Planning £1,800.00 + Email support £630.00
Total Value £2,572.50
When did I become one of those 'wait there's more' people?!
So annoying!
Sign up today to receive offers just like this, and some other occasional awesomeness by way of tips and pretty hilarious (if I do say so myself) updates, you will receive a further £300 off if you are on my email list via the very underwhelming form.