What Is It Really?
In a previous article, I outlined the various reasons why doing everything on your own is, in fact, counterproductive. Not sleeping enough will lead to brain fog and can make you sick, and not exercising enough because you don’t have time can lead you to deal with serious physical health issues that keep you from working or doing the productive things you’d like to do. So, let’s talk about what the success mindset really is.
Don’t Let Your Ego Get the Best of You

First, forget about the 5 AM routine, entrepreneur kind of speech that we usually read about when we think of “success”. Unfortunately, there has been a rise in the extent to which people associate success with “doing it all alone, no matter what it takes and the toll it has on my mental and physical health”, when in reality, the success mindset is all about establishing a mindset in which you focus on overall success, which involves more than one actor.
Stronger as a Team
For example, we all know that we are stronger as a team. So, why is it that when it comes to working with a team, we tend to see it as a weakness to receive help? Working with the “success mindset” means working with others in order to truly expand on our own capabilities and to benefit from the efforts and input from all. The idea here is to focus on what you can do when you are surrounded with a great team of experts and professionals who can each take up a certain task. This way, no one gets burned out, and no one has to fall sick for the sake of success.

Get Past Your Own Failures
The inner critical voice that haunts most people in their lives usually comes from the failures they have made in their past; something which they believe may be avoided if they focus on the strengths of the overall team. These experiences leave imprints on a person’s psyche that cause them to doubt themselves and their abilities to succeed, but this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, achieving success through teamwork requires that the team members be free of self-doubt regarding their own abilities, and that they instead become able to focus on the strengths of each person as well as the result of the combination of each of these.
So, instead of focusing on doing it all on our own and understanding this as a successful day, let’s start to encourage team-work as the gateway to ultimate success, shall we?