Are you a business owner? Do you wear multiple hats in your business? You are CEO, you are accounts manager, team manager, customer services, admin, tech support … let’s just call you the HSBO – the hat stand business owner!
How’s that working out for ya?
I used to be an HSBO too. For an honest reason, I had to watch my pennies. I thought I couldn’t afford help but I soon learned I couldn’t afford not to have help.
I sat one day and added up the hours I had worked that week versus the chargeable income I had made. The sums showed my hourly rate was a pittance. Being an advocate of outsourcing, and a business owner I should have known better!

HOW HOW HOW can that be? How could someone like me who promotes and champions delegation, scaling, automation, processes to aid business growth, be where I compel people not to be?
Dear Hat Stand Business Owner
There are only so many client hours that can be done in a day, even with the best intentions. You still have to your own business admin, finance, tech, stock, and somewhere in the middle of that, you have to find time to sleep, eat and be a parent, friend, son, brother, wife, husband.
Have you ever sat down and worked out how much you would get if you won ‘that client’ and how much you are not winning because you are stuck managing teams? Or have you worked out how much time you waste on tasks that could be automated? Perhaps you are desperate to get the copy done for the amazing course that you just know is going to propel you to another level, but – where are you instead?
You have worked your ass off, now is the time. Thrive OBM will get you where you deserve to be!
Featured Image by Stain_Marylight from Pixabay